Relationship between bullying, school violence and conflict handling styles in teenager high-school students
Conflict management styles, Bullying, Violence, AdolescenceAbstract
There is currently a vast literature that conceptually addresses the differences between school violence and bullying; however, there is a perceived lack of studies that allow for an empirical analysis of their relationships. On the other hand, there is also a need to deepen the understanding of the links between the capacities for the constructive management of interpersonal conflicts and the different manifestations of violence experienced by adolescents in the educational context. Within this framework, the present study aimed to analyze the possible relationships between violence and bullying, and the styles of interpersonal conflict management in adolescent high school students. The sample consisted of 160 fourth-semester students from a public high school located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, with an age range of 16 to 18 years. The participants answered three questionnaires: the Conflictalk, the Revised School Violence Questionnaire and the Multimodal School Interaction Questionnaire. Among the results, it was observed that the prevalence of school violence and bullying varies depending on the dimensions that are being considered in each of them. School violence and bullying correlated directly in almost all its dimensions, except in Active observer in defense of the victim. The aggressive conflict management style correlated directly with all dimensions of school violence and bullying; while the passive and cooperative styles presented weak and non-significant correlations with these variables. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of the literature on violence and interpersonal conflict management in adolescents.
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