Author Guidelines

EIRENE ESTUDIOS DE PAZ Y CONFLICTOS is a scientific journal, peer-reviewed and published semi-annually, that adopts the citation standards established in the most updated APA manual as applicable and adheres to all scientific quality criteria. It has been circulating in electronic format since 2018 and disseminates the scientific production of national and international researchers in various disciplines related to peace research.

Therefore, the Editorial Team of EIRENE ESTUDIOS DE PAZ Y CONFLICTOS is dedicated to strengthening scientific and editorial quality, requiring the originality of each article submitted for publication.

The works will be initially received and evaluated by the journal's editorial committee, which can determine the rejection of the work, suggest changes to the authors, or accept it. Once approved by this body, the articles will be assigned to two anonymous reviewers who are experts in the article's subject matter. These reviewers may determine the work as: not accepted, accepted without changes, accepted for publication with minor or formal changes, or accepted with substantial change suggestions requiring a new review round.

Below are some general considerations that researchers should take into account when submitting their works to the journal:

General Requirements

The journal publishes articles in Spanish and English, resulting from formal scientific research with descriptive, exploratory, and/or experimental methodology, specifying its formality within the text, and offering a new theoretical and practical perspective to various disciplines of the social sciences interested in the study of peace and conflict.

All submissions must meet the following requirements:

NOTE: EIRENE ESTUDIOS DE PAZ Y CONFLICTOS Magazine publishes original articles, research results, research reports, reviews, among others. With a prior and exhaustive anonymous evaluation of referees regarding the fulfillment of the following conditions: unpublished character, relevance, relevance, topicality and bibliographic specialization, among others, being all the publishing rights of the publisher.