Comics, an innovative, creative pedagogical tool for solving school conflicts



Comics, school conflict, innovation, communication, pedagogical


In every age, in all the times issues arise due to the differences of thoughts, skills, stagnations or
barriers by the scope of the autorrealizaciones, power relations, creating coercion. What is important
is that since the Science is constantly working for the creation of innovative educational, creative,
applied in the classroom to lessen the impacts of violence in school settings. The present study aims
to demonstrate the application of the pedagogical strategy fun of the comics as a means of teaching
facilitator, in seeking to reduce conflict in school, also to reinforce the theoretical learning-practical
in the classroom. We carried out a research type qualitative methodology of Research-Action-
Participation. The population chosen were 30 students pre-teens between 10, 11 and 12 years of
age, the Educational Institution: “San Jose” in the city of Barranquilla-Colombia. As a result, it was
found that the comics or the cartoons represent an effective means of teaching the observation and
identification of the extent to which each individual interprets the phenomenon of school violence. In
addition that represents the projection of thoughts, emotions and actions led to the confrontation of the
conflict, as well as a media facilitator for the communication and the dialogue of knowledge.


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Author Biography

Lourdes Isabel Albor-Chadid, UNIVERSIDAD SIMON BOLIVAR

Psicóloga.  Especialista en Psicología Clínica, Magister en Desarrollo Educativo y Social. Profesora-Investigadora Grupo Estudios de Género, Familia y Sociedad, Categoría A1, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla,


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How to Cite

Albor-Chadid, L. I. (2019). Comics, an innovative, creative pedagogical tool for solving school conflicts. Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 2(2), 75–94. Retrieved from