Student engagement in schools that implement restorative practices

The case of Cali (Colombia)




School restorative practices, School commitment, armed conflict


School restorative practices are increasingly used in educational settings; however, there is not enough evidence of their impact on students. This case study aims to ask them using the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) and employing a quantitative methodology. The sample (N = 204) students: females (49.1%) and males (50.9%), belonged to two models: flexible (55.8%) and regular (44.1%) from schools in Cali. The results show how the schools' restorative practices have a direct impact on psychological and cognitive engagement. Specifically, for psychological engagement, it highlights strengthening the teacher-student bond at an early age and the positive impact of family support at these stages. In contrast, for cognitive engagement, it is noted that external motivation decreases as they get older and that girls have aspirations for future goals partly due to the practices carried out in schools. Finally, it suggests personalizing school restorative practices and adapting an approach according to the sociodemographic, educational, and family variables of the environment to maximize the impact on school engagement and peacebuilding.


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How to Cite

Vega Barrero, C. F., & Álvarez-Cánovas, I. (2025). Student engagement in schools that implement restorative practices: The case of Cali (Colombia). Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 8(14), 73–104.