Impact of the MASC in public and private high schools in Monterrey




Conflict resolution, mediation, conflict investigation, peace agreement


This scientific article addresses the impacts generated by the integration of a MASC subject in a high school, by comparing a public and a private institution in Monterrey, Nuevo León during the semester from January to May 2024. Likewise, a scientific analysis with a methodological approach is carried out on Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution, applying the quantitative method based on the Likert scale. An appreciation of how school mediation favors the strengthening of interpersonal relationships in high school students is reached, how school conciliation benefits in the creation of a cooperative environment in high school students, and how the application of pedagogical arbitration is encouraged in high school students to strengthen their commitments.


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Author Biographies

Edwin Stevan Rojas Guillén, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

PhD in Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in Monterrey, Nuevo León. Master in Energy Law and Sustainability from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in Monterrey, Nuevo León; Bachelor of Laws from the César Vallejo University in Trujillo, Peru; university professor, email:

Genaro Bermejo Acosta

PhD in Alternative Methods for Dispute Resolution from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León; Master's Degree in Commercial Law; Master's Degree in Alternative Methods for Dispute Resolution; Bachelor of Law and Legal Sciences; Full-time Professor; member of the academic body Research for Peace and Access to Justice UANL-CA-481; Legal Advisor and litigation coordinator at Firma Legal; email

Guillermo Acosta Cázares

PhD in Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in Monterrey, Nuevo León. Bachelor of Theology from the PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO; Master in Humanistic Studies from ITESM; Master in Administration and Management of Educational Institutions from the REGIOMONTANA UNIVERSITY; university professor at the FACDyC of the UANL and master's professor at the REGIOMONTANA UNIVERSITY; Email


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How to Cite

Rojas Guillén, E. S., Bermejo Acosta, G., & Acosta Cázares , G. (2025). Impact of the MASC in public and private high schools in Monterrey. Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 8(14), 139–176.