The women’s role during armed conflict and DDR processes. Comparative analysis between Northern Ireland and Colombia
Gender perspective, DDR, Peacebuilding, Colombia, Northern IrelandAbstract
This article presents a comparative analysis between the cases of Northern Ireland and Colombia, due to the significant prevalence of women involved as active actresses during the conflict, as well as the role they in their respective Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) processes. Using a qualitative methodology through a documental method of reviewing the double role as victim-victimizer that some women assume during conflicts was analyzed, breaking gender roles that are traditionally men dominated, as well as the importance of making this participation visible, to ensure a greater presence of women during peace negotiations, thus directly impacting women throughout the country. This is of special importance when we consider the Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council, regarding the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda, as a framework of reference regarding the involvement of a gender agenda and increasing in the role of women as peacebuilding agents. Through this analysis, a high prevalence of women taking active roles within armed conflicts was found, having varied results regarding the political and social life of women after conflicts, highlighting, that the existence of a gender section in peace accords and negotiations, does not necessarily represent a positive outcome, but instead it depends more on the visibility women have during these processes.
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