Effect of a sports program on the safety of a vulnerable community through community leaders.
sports safety, perception, leaders, phyiscal activityAbstract
The perception of insecurity is a relatively recent phenomenon that has begun to be studied by various social science disciplines. These disciplines have conducted empirical research and have developed hypotheses and theories about its causes and effects (López, 2013). The lack of security has influenced in some communities the participation in physical activities and sports and has led to a decrease in the levels of such activities and changes in life in general. In Mexico, as in other parts of the world, victimization surveys are used as the main tool to measure and know the perception of insecurity or violence, as well as studies are used to measure the impact of physical activities and sports in vulnerable communities. In this sense, the objective of this study is to comprehensively evaluate the impact of community sports programs and their relationship between the perception of safety and the levels of physical activity and sport in this population in order to identify possible improvements in the quality of life and well-being of this community. The implementation of the physical activity programs was carried out through community leaders and the corresponding surveys regarding urban safety (ENSU) and the module of sports practice and physical exercise (MOPRADE) were applied. The main results reveal that the perception of safety in environments such as the home, school, and school environment is higher than the perception of safety in the community.
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