Ontological Insecurity and Peace Process: Southern Ethiopia’s Conflict in the Space-Time Continuum





Ontological (in)security, peace process, conflict, transformative narrative



This study discussed ontological security in the peace process and its impact on conflict transformation in southern Ethiopia conflicts. By analyzing the Garri and Borana conflict and the peace process, the study demonstrates how ethnic conflicts involving conceptions of self-narratives with ontological asymmetry deter peace initiatives. Ontological security framework and qualitative approach guided the study, which sought to interpret reality from the context of the respondents. The study used Key Informant Interview and Focus Group Discussions as a source of primary data and review of secondary sources. Accordingly, the study revealed that the southern Ethiopia peace process since the establishment of ethnic federalism, particularly between Garri [Somali] and Borana [Oromo], has been characterized by persistent ontological (in)security, conflicting narratives, and recurring violence, perpetuating cycle of insecurity and hindering the achievement of durable peace. Breaking this cycle requires negotiations that address the central narratives embraced by both groups, promoting mutual recognition and transforming antagonistic relationships. Embracing coexistence and constructing transformative strategies can create a mutually acceptable narrative that can challenge the established conflict narrative. The study concludes that a peaceful, stable, and mutually supportive environment can be fostered by creating a durable framework that addresses the ontological security concerns of both communities.


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Author Biographies

fiseha Obsu, Addis Ababa University, Center for African and Asian Studies

Ph.D. Student at the Center for African and Asian Studies

Getachew Kassa, Addis Ababa University, Center for African and Asian Studies

Associate Professor of African Studies. 

Samuel Tefera, Addis Ababa University, Center for African and Asian Studies

Assistant Professor of African and Asian Studies.


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How to Cite

Obsu, fiseha, Kassa, G., & Tefera, S. . (2024). Ontological Insecurity and Peace Process: Southern Ethiopia’s Conflict in the Space-Time Continuum . Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 7(13), 15–66. https://doi.org/10.62155/eirene.v7i13.274