Personalization in political communication. Samuel García case and his first 100 days of government through Instagram




image, personalization, engagement, Instagram


On Instagram, an image is not merely a visual representation on political profiles; rather, it constitutes the culmination of a careful visual construction imbued with intentional values that have been analyzed and decided upon beforehand. The purpose of this crafting is to communicate an image to users, which is reinforced through the level of engagement it receives. However, there has been an observed increase in the application of customization processes in the digital identity of politicians, emphasizing the role of the politician as an individual in comparison to their public function. Understanding the components that shape these images, as well as their relationship with levels of participation, involves grasping the new processes of influence and production in the realm of political communication. In this research, the visual components that constructed the image of Samuel García Sepúlveda, governor of the State of Nuevo León 2021 - 2027, during his first 100 days of administration are analyzed. Through a quantitative content analysis with nine variables, the composition of images with higher and lower engagement is explored, along with the trend of customization processes in his Instagram profile. It is discovered that privatized customization and its components exist within posts with a higher number of engagements.


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How to Cite

Valdez Franco, S., Marañón Lazcano , F. de J., & Barrientos Urbina, R. (2024). Personalization in political communication. Samuel García case and his first 100 days of government through Instagram. Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 7(13), 251–284.