Legal-Ethical Reflections on Genetics, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Human Rights




genetic manipulation, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, materialism, Human Rights


The right to equality becomes significant in the context of genetic manipulation, as the ability to design individuals with specific traits raises significant concerns. In particular, there is a risk of undermining genetic diversity and the fundamental principle of equality before the law. Furthermore, the gap that could emerge between those with the means to afford these genetic enhancements and those who cannot threatens to exacerbate economic disparities. One of the cornerstones of democratic societies, social mobility, is endangered by the insurmountable advantages that individuals born with advanced genetic modifications may enjoy, potentially leading to a consolidation of social classes and eroding the meritocracy that underpins many of our social structures. This study addresses the concern that these trends could lead to a divided society, where genetically enhanced elites perpetuate their status, and power structures take on a feudal character. Given this hypothetical risk, the imperative need for a robust legal framework is highlighted, one that not only protects human rights but also prevents the creation of insurmountable inequalities through genetic manipulation.


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Author Biography

Borja García Vázquez, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Investigador Nacional Nivel 1 (SNI-1). Doctor en Métodos Alternos de Solución de Conflictos por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público en la UANL. Máster en Derecho de los negocios y litigación internacional por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Abogado ejerciente colegiado en el Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid. Mediador inscrito el Registro de Mediadores e Instituciones de Mediación del Ministerio de Justicia de España.


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How to Cite

García Vázquez, B. (2024). Legal-Ethical Reflections on Genetics, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Human Rights: . Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 7(12), 111–138.