The access to alternative justice as a human right
The use of the ADR in judicial headquarters
Human rights, effective guardianship, alternative justice, judicial referral, ADRAbstract
The recognition of Human Rights has passed over time, it is currently known that they are inherent to all people by the simple fact of being born and must be promoted, respected, protected and guaranteed by the State equally regardless of their condition. social, political, race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, among others. Access to the human right to justice in the Mexican context is provided for in article 17 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, granting citizens the power to go to court to present a dispute to safeguard their rights, or resort to alternative justice to resolve their conflicts. Access to alternative justice through the so-called alternative methods of conflict resolution or MASC, allows the parties involved in the conflict to take control and be the ones who decide the solution that is most effective for them. Alternative justice contributes to the reconstruction of the social fabric and to moving those involved from a culture of litigation to a culture of dialogue and respect for human rights, protecting the dignity of every individual and thereby prevailing the culture of peace and harmony in the society. Finally, highlight the importance of the use of MASC in court through judicial referral, which establishes that it must be endowed with procedural principles aimed at allowing effective access to justice.
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