The role of hope as a mediating element between competitive victimhood and entrapment sense

Russia-Ukraine case


  • Gonzalo Sebastián Peña-Muñante Universidad de Almería


Russia-Ukraine conflict, Competitive victimhood, Hope for peace, Entrapment, Suicidal ideation


A conflict is intractable when it persists for a long time, it is violent, the parties are perceived as irreconcilable and compete to claim victim status for their group. The psychological suffering that generates these conditions of continuous stress, may reduce the hope of conflict resolution and predict suicidal ideation. This study aims to explore the relationship between competitive victimhood and entrapment, considering hope for conflict resolution as a mediating variable. A sample of 53 Ukrainian refugees was administered an questionnaire to obtain information about competitive victimhood, hope for peace, entrapment and suicidal ideation. Correlational and inferential analyses were conducted. The results indicated the existence of significant positive and negative relationships between the study variables. Furthermore, we encountered significant differences in hopelessness, entrapment and suicidal ideation depending on victim status. Finally, we found a significant indirect effect of competitive victimhood on entrapment through hopelessness. We conclude that hopelessness may completely mediate the effect of competitive victimhood on entrapment.


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How to Cite

Peña-Muñante, G. S. (2023). The role of hope as a mediating element between competitive victimhood and entrapment sense: Russia-Ukraine case. Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 6(11). Retrieved from



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