Mediation in adolescents and happiness



Mediation, adolescents, Happyness


Adolescence is a stage of development, considered a difficult stage, due to all the physical, personality and character changes that occur in that period. It is also common for conflicts to arise in the different areas that surround the adolescent, such as family, school and community. However, from positive psychology, a more flattering vision can be found, since it changes this traditional vision by focusing attention in adolescents on aspects such as skills and strengths to develop them and allow increasing the perception of happiness or perceived subjective well-being. themselves. It has been proven that happiness and perceived subjective well-being are directly related to the full and healthy development of the personality. On the other hand, we find mediation, a method of conflict resolution, with proven benefits in people who practice it and recently there has been talk of its relationship with happiness and perceived subjective well-being. This article aims to relate the benefits of mediation and how these could influence the generation of happiness in adolescents who participate in mediation processes.


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Author Biographies

Lucia V Todd-Lozano, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Lucía Verenice Todd Lozano es Licenciada en Derecho por el ITESM con Maestría en Derecho Internacional por Georgetown University Law Center. Actualmente estudia el doctorado en Métodos Alternos de Solución de Conflictos en la UANL. Es experta en Cultura de Paz y Derechos de niñas, niños y adolescentes, temas que promueve en diferentes redes sociales. Es presidenta de la Asociación Todos por la Infancia y Adolescencia AC y fue presidenta del Sistema DIF Guadalupe y de la Red Mexicana de Ciudades Amigas de la Niñez. También ha sido litigante en despachos reconocidos

Francisco Javier Gorjón-Gómez, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

President of the International Association of Doctors in MASC, A.C., Director of the Doctorate in MASC of the UANL, Member of the National System of Researchers level 3, Honorary Member of the College of Mediators of Nuevo León, A.C. Research Professor at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the UANL.


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How to Cite

Todd-Lozano, L. V., & Gorjón-Gómez, F. J. (2023). Mediation in adolescents and happiness. Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 6(11). Retrieved from