Restorative justice in the social rule of law in Colombia
restorative justice, retributive justice, human dignity, victims, victimizerAbstract
This article intends to make an analysis of the traditional justice model of an exclusively retributive nature, its move towards a type of restorative justice in the context of the change of the Constitution in 1991 and the birth of the Social State of Law in Colombia. With this purpose, a brief description is made of the form of administration of justice prior to the issuance of the Magna Carta and the way in which it materializes after it, both in the essential and fundamental principles of the constitution and throughout the Colombian legal system, especially from the founding principle of the social rule of law: Human dignity. In the same way, a comparison is made between the rule of law and the social rule of law regarding its definition in terms of what it is and what role both the victim and the perpetrator have in the criminal process, what are the purposes of the application and the mechanisms used for the administration of justice of both models. And, finally, it defines what restorative justice is in comparison to retributive justice and how it manifests itself and has been materializing in the Colombian penal system through norms such as the law.
Keywords: State, restorative justice, retributive justice, human dignity, victims, victimizer.
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