Analysis of the phenomenon of the attacks on journalists and human rights defenders in Mexico
journalist, human rights defenders, protection mechanism, MexicoAbstract
Recently, violence against journalists and human rights defenders has increased. From December 2018 to December 2021, statistics state that 49 journalists and 96 defenders were killed. Therefore, it is mandatory to analyze this aggressions phenomenon. Although Mexico has a Protection Mechanism, which jointly protects both sectors (human rights defenders and journalists), violence against them goes on. This paper presents a human rights defenders and journalists' aggressions comparison in Mexico from 2012 to 2021 to understand this situation. First, we make a descriptive analysis of the human rights protected and promoted, as well as the measures of protection the Mexican State has imposed through the Mechanism. We also analyze the intentional homicides committed against human rights defenders, journalists, and the population in general. Finally, we present the possibility of success by putting into practice two separate and targeted public policies against these sectors' aggression.
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