psychosocial skills and interpersonal conflict management styles in middle-school students
Adolescence, Conflict management styles, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Life skillsAbstract
This study analyzed the relationship between interpersonal conflict management styles (aggressive,
passive and cooperative) among adolescent schoolmates and a set of psychosocial skills (emotional
intelligence and multidimensional empathy). The participants were 125 adolescent middle-school
students belonging to a public school in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. They answered the Conflictalk
Questionnaire, the Trait Meta-mood Scale short version, and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index. The
findings showed statistically significant positive correlations between the cooperative style and the
aforementioned skills, and gender differences. The implications of these findings are discussed in the
context of the literature on school coexistence, peace education and interpersonal conflict management
in adolescents.
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