Walking towards peace through dialogue

political mediation in conflicts linked to human needs resolution


  • Karla Sáenz Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
  • María Leonor Ramos Morales Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Bi Zoan Sylvain Toa Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


Conflicts Linked To Human Needs, Political Mediation, Peace Agreements, Conflicts Resolution, Peace


This paper theoretically analyses peace process in the resolution of Guatemala armed conflict linked
to unmet human needs as part of its root causes. It stresses elements of political mediation that
allow parties to reach agreements and apply them to the analysis of Guatemala conflict resolution; the
conclusion is that although negotiations made possible the end of armed confrontations, the situation
of peace agreement compliance does not reflect an “effective” conflict resolution but a way to reach
peace which needs to be based on structural changes.


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Author Biography

Karla Sáenz, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon

Doctora en Ciencia Política por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Nivel 1 del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Catedrática de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León



How to Cite

Sáenz, K., Ramos Morales, M. L., & Toa, B. Z. S. (2021). Walking towards peace through dialogue: political mediation in conflicts linked to human needs resolution. Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 4(6), 171–186. Retrieved from https://estudiosdepazyconflictos.com/index.php/eirene/article/view/117