The transversality of the culture of peace in higher education as the main axis for the comprehensive training of professionals



Curriculum, transversality, peace culture, Peace Education, Higher Education


Achieving a Culture of Peace is a continuous and complex task that is everyone’s responsibility. Higher
Education institutions acquire an important commitment in the training of professionals who put their
professional and personal skills in favor of overcoming inequalities, as well as implementing the
respect and exercise of Human Rights. To this end, we intend to make an analysis of the extent to which
the educational programs belonging to the Autonomous University of Queretaro are transversalized in
issues of culture of peace. A documentary analysis of the curricula of 79 undergraduate programs at
the university was carried out, 152 questionnaires were completed with students and 19 with teachers.
The study revealed that most of the cross-cutting subjects are taught in the area of social sciences and
humanities (296), more than double the number of those belonging to the area of natural and exact
sciences (104).


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Author Biography

Juana Maurilia Ochoa Rocha, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.

Subcoordinación Académica para la Cultura de Paz Universitaria


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How to Cite

Ochoa Rocha, J. M. (2021). The transversality of the culture of peace in higher education as the main axis for the comprehensive training of professionals. Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 4(6), 93–112. Retrieved from