Violence perception through participative diagnosis and community mediation



Righttothecity, Urban conflict, communitary diagnosis, participative cartography


The right to the city, exhibited and developed by the French urban planner Henri Lefebvre in 1968
and included in the World Charter for the Right to the City (2012), is a purely collective human right,
that is, for the interpretation of this right is unnecessary the approach from his individual vision as a
right. This condition of the right to the city also implies a change as how this collective right has to be
exercised, what are the limits of action of its application and what repercussions its non-compliance
generates. The right to the city, represents the need for coincidence that the cities function, structure
and form must have in order to become a livable urban space and become pacefully. Thus, if we want
to carry out a community intervention from the perspective of community mediation, understood as a
transformative tool of the urban conflict, it is necessary to resort to the interpretation and representation
that the population has regarding urban phenomena to identify and assess conflicts that are produced
inside, and thus transform them. For this purpose, the community diagnosis is proposed as a collective
action of interpretation of the lived space, which will allow the identification in the territory of the
main problems that occur, using an exploitative tool that shows an approximation to the punctual
representation of space for the community to study: social cartography.


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Author Biography

Jorge Palmer Marrero, UANL - FACDYC

Doctor en Métodos Alternos de Solución de Conflictos en FACDY. UANL


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How to Cite

Palmer Marrero, J. (2019). Violence perception through participative diagnosis and community mediation. Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, 1(1), 27–44. Retrieved from