The judicial referral to mediation and the application of procedural principles in family trials
Family mediation, Judicial referral, Procedural principlesAbstract
Family mediation is duly regulared as a fundamental right, however within the procedural order in the
state of Nuevo León, there is a procedural problema when regulating the judicial referral to mediation
in family trials, it will be analyzed and interpreted the substantive and adjetive tule to understand its
legal procedural application.
This hermenéutica research that seeks to analyze and interpret the procedural regulations of family law
in the state of Nuevo León, in order to identify which procedural principles should be applied during
the preliminary hearing stage in the conciliatory phase when trying to change the legal direction, is to
identify which procedural acts can help the parties such as legal representatives to request a judicial
referral in family trials.
It seeks to develop certain procedural acts by the judicial authority in order to comply with the effective
Access to justice of the alternative mechanisms for the resolution of disputes base don the application
of procedural principles by the judicial authority, with the objetive of promoting judicial referrals to
family mediation in the state of Nuevo León.
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