Rural women builders of territorial peace in the department of putumayo in colombia
Rural Women, Peace Building, Peace Territorial, Gender, TerritoryAbstract
Rural women from their leadership role, defense of the territory, and collective organization propose
a unique view on the construction of peace in Putumayo, that is not exempt from tensions that involve
their life experiences, and the voice of a territory affected by violence and armed conflict. From their
actions, they carry out political incidence at different levels: local-departmental, local-national,
local-international, which contribute to the prevention, management, and regulation of conflicts in
the territory during a context of the implementation of the peace agreement between the government
and the FARC and escalation of the conflict. Actions that aim towards the visibility of the rural women
of leadership, the defense of the territory and their demand of guarantees in their political incidence.
This research has a qualitative approach, with a case of study approached from the critical paradigm
and the ethnographic method that contributes to the complex understanding of territorial peace from
its relationship with the categories of gender and territory.
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