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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to Editor).

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references
  • The text is 1.5 spaced; 12 point font size; Calibri font; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.

  • If submitted to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Securing anonymous review should be followed.

  • Authors should include in the journal's meta data section their ORCID identification number; their institutional affiliation; and their biographical summary.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors


Eirene Peace and Conflicts Studies is a scientific journal, refereed by the peer-review system of semi-annual publication, which adopts the citation standards established in the most updated APA manual, as appropriate, and is guides the fulfillment of all scientific quality criteria. It has been circulation in electronic format since 2018 and disseminates the scientific production of the national and international researchers, in different disciplines related to research for peace.

That is why the Editorial Team of the EIRENE Peace and Conflicts Studies Journal is dedicated to strengthening the scientific and editorial quality, which is why it requires the originality of each article submitted for consideration for publication.

The documents will be received and evaluated in the first instance by the editorial committee of the journal, this committee can determine the rejection of it, the suggestion of changes to the authors or its acceptance, once approved by this body they will be assigned to two anonymous reviewers who are experts in the subject of the article, who may rule as follows: document not accepted, document accepted without changes, document accepted for publication with minor changes or form, or document accepted with substantial change suggestions that require a new round of review.

Here are some general considerations that researchers should consider when submitting their document to the journal:


General requirements

It publishes articles in Spanish and English, the product of format scientific research with descriptive, exploratory and / or experimental methodology, specifying its formality within the text, and offering a new various discipline of the social sciences interested in the study of peace and conflict.

All collaborations must meet the following requirements:

a)    Refer to the journal´s field of specialization:  Works focused on the study of the conflict and its nature; peace and its evolution; the promotion of an education for peace; the study of human rights; alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and on other interrelated areas and disciplines.

b)    Send original contributions in their entirety, that is, not previously published either totally or partially on any other platform.

c)    Collaborations of high scientific quality founded and with methodological coherence.



Extension and types of documents



  •  The length of the articles must be original and unpublished documents, and they will not be in the process of evaluation or compromised in any other publication; they must refer to the issues expressed by the magazine. Its length will be between 5,500 and 10,000 words, including the text of tables or squares, maps, graphs, figures, references and notes, scientific articles must contain, at least, the following sections: Title (Spanish and English), Summary of maximum 250 words (Spanish and English), Keywords (Spanish and English), Introduction, Theoretical Framework, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, Proposals and Cited Documents. The Tables, Graphs and Figures will be included in the body of the document duly title and with the reference of the original source. The maximum number of participants in each article will be 4 researchers, who must be duly identified.
  • The authors will have a maximum of fifteen business days to make the respective corrections in each review (preliminary review, peer review and final adjustments).
  • Item reviews and evaluations are determined by the number of items on the waiting list. The editorial committee will inform the authors about the progress of their work in the evaluation and editing process.
  • The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to make the style correction and editorial changes that it deems necessary to improve the work.
  • All articles must be submitted without the information of who the authors are; detailed information on the authors of the article should be in the metadate section of the journal platform.


Investigation reports

• Research reports describe the results of applied research, be it quantitative, qualitative, or mixed. Its length will be between 4,000 and 5,000 words, it must include the following sections: Title (Spanish and English), Summary of maximum 250 words (Spanish and English), Keywords (Spanish and English), Introduction, Theoretical Framework, Methodology, Results, Conclusions and Cited Documents.



 • With an extension of no more than 2,000 words, the texts in this section consist of reviews of recent books, magazines or academic publications and are obtained by express invitation from Eirene. Eirene Magazine extends an invitation to publishers or authors interested in seeing their publications reviewed to contact the Editor directly.





Title: It should clearly reflect the objective of the research and it is recommended that is be concise; specific and informative.

Summary: It will have a maximum of 250 words, all your information must come from the text of the article. Avoid verbatim citations, abbreviations, and bibliographic references.

Keywords: Between 3 and 5 descriptive terms that represents the main content of the article. They should facilitate the consultation in databases, consult Thesaurus according to the corresponding subject. They can be compound words. This classification can be consulted at:

Abstract: It is the same abstract in English in 10-point Calibri font. A space line must be left between the abstract paragraph and the Key Words line.

Key Words: They are the same 3 to 5 keywords in the English language.

Introduction: there must be coherence between the title, objective and results stated in the article. The problem, the problem question and the general and specific objectives, the definition of its variables, the limitations, the scope, the justification of the subject and the background with citations in the APA Standard with the most updated version are presented.

Development of the Document: You must make correct use of the language and its grammar. You must keep strict correspondence with the other sections of the document. The internal organization must be coherent and balanced. The contribution of the authors of the article must be clear. Copyright must be respected. In this section, the methodology, results, and limitations must be indicated.

Tables, Boxes and Graphs: The box must be numbered consecutively. Like the figures, which must be numbered independently from the boxes. Each box or figure must be accompanied by a legend that clearly describes the material. The titles must give an account of the content of the information. The boxes, figures and photographs must be original from the author (s). If they are modifications or reproductions of another article, it is necessary   to accompany them with the permission of the corresponding editor. Boxes, graphs, tables, images, and other elements must be included in the body of the text in an editable format or attached in the original programs in which they were made.

Conclusions: They should not constitute a repetition of the results. The conclusions should be a thoughtful reworking of the results with a high level of abstraction. It is different from a final thought. Citation should be avoided.

References: The list in alphabetical order of the identification data of the sources cited in the article, will be located at the end of it and in all cases follows the American Psychological Association APA Standards, latest version. It must include all the necessary information that allows the reader to locate the documents cited in a text.

The information must be exact, as it appears in the original document. They should have recent bibliographic references and periodical scientific publications. The list of references is made with 1.5 line spacing, each one must have French indentation and must be organized according to the alphabetical order of the author´s last name sources.

For the number reference volumes of a publication, it is necessary to use Arabic and non-Roman numerals. All authors cited in the body of an article must be referenced at the end. An author who has no t been cited in the text should never be referenced and vice versa.


General format for documents to be evaluated


Extension: According to the type of publication being evaluates (see the section on types of document)

Typography: Calibri 12 points

Format: Justified

Line spacing: 1.5, eliminating spaces before and after each paragraph

Margins: 2.5 on all four sides

Sheet: Letter size

Epigraphs: They are numbered consecutively

Footnotes: Numbered consecutively, restricting them to the minimum necessary. Electronic sources are not cited in these notes.

Tables, graphs, figures, and images: They must be numbered consecutively, and the source of origin must be cited. What corresponds to this section must be presented in an editable format, not an image. You can use the tools of Word, Excel and Past Special.

The tables are not presented with vertical lines and the numbering and title are indicated in the upper part.

Title: Calibri font 14 in Spanish and English.

Summary: Calibri font 10.

Abstract: Calibri font 10.

Keywords: Calibri font 10 in italics.

Keyword: Calibri font 10 in italics.

Document Body: Calibri Font 12, 1.5 spacing, justified format without first line indentation, numbering titles, subtitles, and tertiary titles, as appropriate.

Cited Documents: Calibri font 10, respecting italics according to APA format.


Citations and Bibliography

The bibliographic citations inserted in the text will adhere to the most up-to-date APA standards, inserting in parentheses the first surname with the first letter in capital letters, followed by the initial of the name, the year of publication and the page number/s (in the case of verbatim quotes).

Example: (Cabello, P., 2012: 85).

When citations comprise less than 40 words, it is required to enclose them in quotation marks. If the quotation appears in the middle of the sentence, immediately after closing quotation marks, the source is incorporated in parentheses, with the year of publication and the number of page / sec., Then continue with the sentence.

When the quotation comprises 40 or more words, they are displayed in a separate block from the text and the quotation marks are omitted. The quote begins on a new line and an indentation of approximately 2.54 cm is inserted. At the end of the citation, the source is inserted in parentheses, followed by the year of publication and the page number / s.


Destructiveness is by no means the only option available to man, to face the problems and challenges of his existence. Here too, history shows us that in all civilizations, cultures, and societies there has been no lack of people and groups that, far from choosing destructiveness as a norm of conduct, have opted for ways of being and acting in a constructive order, from friendship and harmony spirit to solidarity and mutual help (Saña, 2010: 237).


Single Author Document

If the author's name appears as part of the exhibition, only the year of publication will be cited in parentheses:

Example: Gómez (2017) “determined that the basic principles of modern science make reference” (p. 385).

If the citation closes the referenced text, then the last name is inserted in parentheses at the end, followed by the initial of the name, the year of publication and the page number / s.

Example: "The basic principles of modern science refer to specific forms of production" (Gómez, J., 2017, p. 385).


Multiple Author Document

When a work has two authors, both names must be cited each time they appear in the text.

Example: (González, C., & Rivera, P., 2008, p. 168).

When the citation is of three, four or five authors, all authors must be cited the first time they appear in the text and in subsequent times only the last name of the first author will be included followed by the abbreviation et al. (Without italics and with a final period after al) and the year.


• González, Núñez, Hibrón and Ochoa (2017) when the quote begins the paragraph.

• González et al. (2017) in subsequent paragraph opening citations.

• (González, Núñez, Hibrón & Ochoa, 2017) when the quote is inserted between a paragraph or at the end of it.

• (González et al., 2017) in subsequent citations between paragraphs or at the end of it.


Cited Documents

At the end of the article, the list of documents cited with full references in the established APA format will be indicated.

They will be arranes in alphabetical order of surnames.

If there are several citations from the same author and for the same year, the documents will be differentiated by consecutive lower-case letters after the year (a, b, c, d…).


• (Gutiérrez, L., 2018a.)

• (Gutiérrez, L., 2018b.)

Electronic resources will be cited in a separate section mentioning: Author, year, title, type of resource, date of publication and date of consultation.


Boxes, Tables, Maps, Graphs and Figures

All inclusions of these characteristics must be numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3,…); They will be identified with a brief title and the source of consultation and the year must be indicated.

The images will be presented in JPG or PNG format.

NOTE: EIRENE STUDIES OF PEACE AND CONFLICTS Magazine publishes original articles, research results, research reports, reviews, among others. With a prior and exhaustive anonymous evaluation of referees regarding the fulfillment of the following conditions: unpublished character, relevance, relevance, topicality and bibliographic specialization, among others, being all the publishing rights of the publisher.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.