About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts is a scientific electronic journal with biannual open-access publication and peer-review, aimed at disseminating social science research contributing to the establishment of a culture and education for peace, alternative justice, and social pacification.

The journal Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts is funded and supported by the Scientific Association Eirene, Studies of Peace and Conflicts A. C.

It is based on the quality of scientific production, focusing on systematicity and rigor, using double-blind peer review methodology in its peer-review process. It publishes original articles resulting from research projects and bibliographic reviews under the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) publication standards in its most recent edition. It is governed by the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing of COPE.

Thematic orientation

- Peace
- Conflict
- Peace Education
- Alternative Justice
- Restorative Justice
- Interrelated Disciplines

In Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, submission, peer review, and publication incur no cost for authors. The peer-review process for submitted articles takes an average of 12 weeks from the date of submission to possible publication.

       Peer Review Process:

All works undergo, in the first instance, an editorial review, which consists of verifying that the work corresponds to the journal's theme and complies with all established guidelines.

The reception of an article does not imply its acceptance for publication.

Submission and article reception: This stage begins with the author submitting the article through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. The author must submit the article in Word format, avoiding including author data and references. Once the article is submitted, automatic reception and acknowledgment of receipt occur.

Initial Editorial Review: Editors will evaluate the submitted articles within a maximum period of 72 hours from receipt, determining if they fall within the scope of the journal. In this phase, editorial quality and the contribution to knowledge of the submitted article are reviewed. Its structure (form and content) is reviewed to ensure compliance with the American Psychological Association (APA) publication standard. If the submitted article does not meet the established editorial criteria, the author will be notified of the editorial decision. If the article passes the initial review, it is analyzed using the anti-plagiarism software iThenticate and then proceeds to external peer review.

Peer Review: This evaluation is conducted under the double-blind method, meaning the article is sent anonymously. In this stage, two reviewers external to the authors' institution, also experts in the subject matter, are assigned to analyze the assigned article based on editorial policies and using an evaluation format. Reviewers have a period of fifteen (15) days to conduct their respective reviews. Once reviewers provide their feedback, it is communicated to the corresponding author. If the article is not accepted by the peers, the corresponding author is subtly informed. If the article is accepted with some suggestions, the anonymous evaluation is sent to the author for necessary adjustments.

Editorial Review (after peer review): The editor will verify that the authors have made the suggested corrections by the peers.

Style Review: Once the editor verifies the corrections have been made, the article is sent for style correction. In this stage, the corrector will handle aspects of writing and style of the text.

Translation: After style correction, the article is sent to a second language expert for the respective translation of the abstract and keywords.

Layout (Editing): This stage aims to ensure the aesthetic appearance of the article by adjusting spaces, typography, and colors.

Final Editor Review: The editor grants final approval.

Publication: Articles are in the final stage of the process, ready for publication.

      Open Access Policy

Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts provides immediate open access to all its content, based on the principle that offering free access to research helps facilitate greater global knowledge exchange. Therefore, the journal does not charge article processing fees (No APC) nor publication fees.

       Anti-Plagiarism Policy

EIRENE STUDIES OF PEACE AND CONFLICTS adheres to the regulations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which governs Mexico through the Federal Copyright Law. Therefore, all articles submitted to the journal will be checked for plagiarism using the iThenticate anti-plagiarism software.

      Code of Ethics

Ethical Statement on Publication and Good Editorial Practices

Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts is committed to ensuring the ethics and quality of published articles within the scientific community. Our journal follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for editors of scientific journals (http://publicationethics.org). At the same time, it ensures an adequate response to the needs of readers and authors, guaranteeing the quality of published content, protecting and respecting the content of articles, as well as their integrity.

Responsibilities or behavior of:

The Editor

- Ensuring impartiality both in the reception of articles and in the evaluation of reviews.
- Acting at all times in accordance with editorial criteria and editorial policy.
- Acting honestly when evaluating papers submitted to the journal for publication, objectively analyzing the content based on scientific and/or academic merits, without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or political opinion of the authors.
- Academic review of articles follows the double-blind peer review system, so the journal undertakes to maintain the anonymity of authors and reviewers.

Selecting a sufficient number of stable and specialized evaluators in the knowledge areas of the journal. Additionally, Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts will use ad hoc reviewers when the topic of the received article requires finding specialists in the subject matter not found in our reviewer database.

Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts adheres to the philosophy of open access; therefore, its content is non-commercial, which is guaranteed at all times by the editorial team.

The editorial team is available to clarify doubts for authors and reviewers in the review and editing process.
The journal directors guarantee that the outcome of the review process will be communicated exclusively to the authors, through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform.
Plagiarism is not tolerated by Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts. In this sense, all articles are analyzed with specialized plagiarism detection software. Any detected case will result in the rejection of the article, which will be notified to the authors, and they will not be given the opportunity to submit another manuscript to the journal.

Statement regarding the prevention and correction of bad practices: The editorial team is aware that it may face the detection and correction of bad practices that could take place in the field of academic publications, such as plagiarism, duplicate publications, or inappropriate representations regarding the authorship of works. The editor commits to actively prevent such practices from occurring, and if any were to occur, the editorial team would correct them.

In cases where necessary, the journal will make public the corresponding and necessary clarifications and corrections.

The Authors

- Authors must ensure that articles are the result of their original work as researchers and that the presented data have been obtained ethically, guaranteeing that they do not infringe on copyright.
- The article cannot be submitted in whole or in part to another publication.
- Authors cannot submit redundant publications, understood as when two or more documents share the same data, hypotheses, discussion points, or conclusions.
- Co-authored works must have a justification expressing the full consensus of adherence to the guidelines of all authors involved.
- Authors must ensure strict adherence to the editorial criteria established by Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts.
- It is the authors' obligation to respect the authorship

of all sources used in the preparation of their article; therefore, they must provide accurate data for bibliographic, periodical, electronic references, and other data collection techniques. Likewise, they undertake not to omit any significant material.
- Address the observations of the editorial and academic reviews punctually and clearly.
- Any violation of the above points constitutes unethical and unacceptable behavior; consequently, the proposed article will be eliminated and not considered for publication, and the author will not be considered for any activity related to the journal.

In studies based on personal interviews or participant observation, researchers must have the express consent of all individuals who have participated as sources in their work to ensure that they have not felt coerced or obliged to participate, and to legitimately use the information provided. To certify and provide greater security to the researcher, it is recommended to have written consent.

To ensure the protection of data and privacy of participants in the research published by Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts, the names of the interviewees must be fictional or concealed to avoid potential harm from the research. Authors must notify in the article that the names provided are fictitious or explain the concealment system used. Additionally, authors must have a list with the equivalence between fictitious and real names, in case it is necessary to establish verification of the data.


- They must commit to maintaining the confidentiality of information related to the articles they evaluate.
- They cannot disseminate or distribute any information presented in the article they review until it is published by the journal.
- They commit to conducting reviews objectively, impartially, responsibly, and rigorously.
- They must be willing to clarify doubts and all matters related to compliance at each stage of the review process.
- By engaging in any violation of the above points, the journal reserves the right to provide proof of their membership in the roster of referees.

Editorial Conflicts and Infractions

The following actions are established as undesirable behaviors and infractions to the editorial process. Individuals who carry out one or more of these actions are subject to an inquiry process, and the Editorial Board reserves the right to make the decision and take disciplinary actions deemed appropriate for each case.

- False Authorship

This refers to the recognition of one or more individuals as authors of a work, but who did not make a significant or substantial contribution to such recognition, or the lack of recognition of a person who actively participated and should be recognized as such. There are three types:

Ghost Author: a person who substantially participated in the study and meets the criteria for authors of the but was not acknowledged as an author.
Guest Author: a person who did not make a significant contribution to the study but is included in the list of authors to increase the visibility of the work (e.g., a renowned researcher).
Gift Author: a person who did not participate in the research but is included in the authorship due to their institutional position or link with the other authors (for example, the head of a department).

- Plagiarism

This refers to the action of using information from any source without due recognition of the respective authorship. This includes literal copying (word for word) and paraphrased copying (reproduction of the other's ideas with different words).

To detect plagiarism, Studies of Peace and Conflicts makes use of the Ithenticate software, which it uses as a basis for identifying bibliographic inconsistencies in articles.

- Self-Plagiarism

This refers to the action of using one's own information that has been previously published without the proper indication of this publication status.

- Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest

This refers to the lack of mention of relationships with entities that may have influenced the study. These may include employment, ownership of shares, concessions, patents, consulting, funding, etc.

- Scientific Fraud

This refers to the manipulation of data or creation of false data for personal interests. It also includes image manipulation.

- Salami Slicing

This refers to the split publication of the results of a research, so that this partition responds to interests of increasing the number of published works and not to the healthy dissemination of science. This includes the publication of more than one work with the same hypothesis, population, and methods.

- Simultaneous Submission

This refers to the submission of the same work to two or more journals at the same time.

- Duplicate Publication

This refers to the submission of two or more works that share essential information such as hypotheses, population, methods, discussion, and conclusions, without any notice to the editors. This type of conflict can be carried out through plagiarism or translation of the work.

In the event that the work is published:

Retraction: refers to the action of withdrawing the work from the website and other web dissemination media available.

Correction: refers to the publication of a new version with an indication of the change made.

In the event that the work is submitted:

Rejection: the work will be rejected for publication in Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts.

In any of these cases, the decision will be communicated by official communication to the author.

Final Declarations

These guidelines are considered general for the regulation of processes in Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts. For the analysis of specific cases, the Editorial Board reserves the right to adhere to international ethics standards in scientific publication, through the use of reference materials such as flowcharts recommended by COPE and others.

Included in Indexes, Catalogs, and Databases:

The journal Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts is included in the following indexes and databases:

- REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge)
- Latindex Catalog 2.0
- LatinREV (Latin American Network of Academic Journals in Social Sciences and Humanities)
- AmeliCA
- Ulrich’s Periodical Directory
- Google Scholar
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
- Dialnet
- ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources)

Journal History

Since 2012, work on the topic began with various collaborative activities that facilitated the establishment of academic networks among researchers interested in generating results for the construction, strengthening, and maintenance of a culture of peace. As a result of these activities, the need to strengthen specific lines of research on peace culture and education manifested itself. To this end, a multidisciplinary research center called Eirene: Studies of Peace and Conflicts A.C. was established with headquarters in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León.

The research center brings together prominent researchers from prestigious academic institutions both nationally and internationally, with a track record in the dissemination and creation of basic and applied science in peace research and conflict transformation.

In this framework, the journal Eirene on peace and conflict studies emerges with the aim of disseminating scientific production related to the topics of Peace Culture, Peace Education, Irenology, Polemology, Alternative Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution as irenological pathways, as well as other areas and disciplines that from an interdisciplinary perspective enrich research for peace and conflicts.

Eirene Studies of Peace and Conflicts aims to become one of the most important open access scientific journals in Latin America, to enter the most important scientific indexes, and thus facilitate access to an online platform for the dissemination of high-impact research that contributes to the understanding of peace and conflicts as essential dimensions for the understanding of human beings.

The editorial committee of the journal Eirene recognizes Doctors Paris A. Cabello Tijerina and Reyna L. Vázquez Gutiérrez, founders and promoters of this outstanding journal.